You choose what “kind of neighbor” you can be for us NextDoor!
You choose what “kind of neighbor” you can be for us NextDoor!
$1000 and up
peepingtom sees EVERYTHING you do! $500-$999 noseyneighbor gossips at the fence! $250-$499 trustedneighbor watches the house when you are away! $100-$249 friendlyneighbor shares a cup of coffee! $50-$99 helpfulneighbor willing to lend a hand! ...OR consider how your annual commitment of a monthly gift will help support our theater and become a $10 or more each month reliableneighbor always there when you need them! |
accept our heartfelt thanks, be listed in our program as a donor and receive 4 OPENING NIGHT TICKETS to any show of the season. accept our heartfelt thanks, be listed in our program as a donor and receive
2 OPENING NIGHT TICKETS to any show of the season. accept our heartfelt thanks, be listed in our program as a donor and receive
1 OPENING NIGHT TICKET to any show of the season. accept our heartfelt thanks, be listed in our program as a donor and receive
A NEXTDOOR THEATER COFFEE MUG accept our heartfelt thanks and be listed in our program as a donor.
accept our heartfelt thanks, be listed in our program as a donor and receive 10% TICKET DISCOUNT off all online purchases. |
The NextDoor Theater Group Company, Inc is a 501(c)3 organization. Your donation is greatly appreciated and tax deductible. Donate online here or make check payable to NextDoor Theater and mail to 40 Cross Street, Winchester, MA 01890.